Saturday, May 15, 2010

Center Stage

Center Stage is a dance movie I am currently watching with my sister. It is about ABC, American Ballet Company. There are basically fourish six ish main characters but the main main one is Jody. She gets accespted into the academy even though she is worse than everyone else and has to try harder than them all. Charlie who is a promising young male dancer likes Jody but Jody likes Cooper a widely acclaimed talented young dancer. Cooper plays with Jody makes her love him and dumps her, making Charlie hate him. Eva is Jody's best friend she is a extremely talented dancer but her attitude prevents her from getting her big chance. Maureen is the best female dancer(Eva and her are both almost equally good) she has a overprotective and overbearing, nasty mother and is stuck up. The three girls share a room. Maureen falls in love with a handsome young med student who softens her up and she begins to be everyones friend and realizes she hates ballet. Maureen gives up her lead role in Jonothons ballet to Eva last minute because she wants to quit ballet. Jonothon is the directer but a long time ago he stole Coopers fiance and married her so the two have a big grudge Cooper is also a choreagrapher and Jody, Charlie and Eric are supposed to be in his ballet about a girl ballerina (Jody) both a dancer and a director is in love with her. Eric is a male ballet dance in their group who injures himself right before the preformance so Cooper has to take his place in his own ballet. Serge is a Russian who is also in their group has the main male lead in Jonothon's ballet gets into another company entirely the same as his girlfriend. In the end Maureen lives happily ever after with her boyfriend, Eva got to prove herself and makes the company Charlie also makes the company. Coopeer breaks off to make his own more modern company and Jody joins his company. Jody and Charlie end up together and even though Eric was injured he makes the original company too. What makes this movie good is that they use actual dancers. Cooper Jody and Charlie are all profesional dancer in real life so when they dance they show the whole bodies andyou can tell that it's the actual person dancing. Unlike all the other dance movies where they do close ups on the face and legs so you cant tell its actually a profesional doing the dancing and not an actor. Even all the people who arent profesional they almost all have some sort of history with dancing, studying majoring or minoring in it so they all are expierienced. Two of them actually in real life are in the American Ballet Company.

Confesions Of A shopaholic

So i've been reading the Shopaholic series by Sophie Kinsella. I'll admit that this book definetly has it's amusing moments it also annoys me. Rebeca Bloomwood or later in the series after she marries Luke Rebecca Brandon is addicted to shopping. The first books centers around her relationship with luke while she fakes her way through a job as a financial consultant even though she is battling a huge debt herself. She is eventually exposed as a fraud though she manages to maintain her relationship with Luke. The other books basically do the same thing she goes through many different issues while battling her overwhelming urge to shop and trie to hang on to Luke. Before I read the books I watched the movie and I actually enjoyed it. But after reading the books the movie began irritating me too. The main character Becky as everyone calls her is just so stupid and ditzy after reading the books I became more aware of this and can no longer fully enjoy the movie. The thing is I love Luke and Becky would be fine even enjoyable if her stupidity and horrible habit was only damaging herself but I hate how it always damges Luke too and Becky being the selfish jerk she is keeps on giving in to her guilty urges even though she knows that Luke is going to suffer too. Rebecca isn't all bad the times when she is actually not being ditzy going on a shoping spree or recaounting her shoping spree for anyone who will listen or hiding all evidence of a shoping spree in a crazy scheme that will get away from her and cause everyone trouble she is actually smart. When Becky is actuall intelligent and giving good advice that actually helps Luke for a change I think they are the perfect couple. An example is in Shopaholic and Sister, after and argument with Luke Becky runs away to a forign country to find her sister.Becky didn't tell anyone she was leaving so they all freak out thinking sometyhing horrible happened to her. Beck meanwhile foolishly follows her sister up a mountain against her sister's wishs and accidentaly falls. She has to get rescued andLuke practically has a heart a side note in Shopaholic and Baby (guess what it's about!) on the back there is a picture of the author's face you usually only see her back and she looks like she belongs in high school.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day

My gift to my mother on her special day was a vase I had made in ceramics. In all reality it is an extremely nice vase and my sister upon seeing didn't believe that I had made it. The vase was properly shaped and recognizable as a vase and had a very cool winding root tree design on it. Natural;ly this would have been a great gift but I had brought it home a week prior to the holiday and set it out on a public table, so my mother being my mother assumed right away that the vase was automatically hers already. This made it hard to give it to her when she recieved it she said " you already gave this to me". Making me look like a selfish brat of a daughter. I had to explain that she never once heard me utter the words "here, this is for you" but as a tack on gift to redeem myself I had to add on the promise that she could also have my organic creation when it got fired. When asked what it looked like I was forced to admit that it can onluy be used as a paperweight and looked like and artistic mountain of poop slash willowy tree. You may thiink this is not attractive but in all reality I had practically the best organic pot in class I met all the standards and made it look good. It is actually a really cool piece maybe just a little abstract. But in the en to say the least mother was less than thrilled with my contributions to Mother's Day.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Same Stupid Jogger

So do you remember about that jogger I almost ran over who got really mad at me? I blogged about him a while ago but I think we may have noarrowly avoided tradgedy again. I think this was the same jogger and he certainly wasn't smart so this further adds to my suspicion it was the same guy. I was going down a hill at a quick clip in my truck when he comes joggin out of a side road. I know he sees me coming in quick and he knows that I can make it across quick than him but the idiot keeps jogging across the road like he owns it and cars arn't driving down the road. Silly me I actually though he was going to stop, he was going slow enough he didn't even adjust his speed meaning I didn't actually slow down becaus I though he would pause foe like a second and let me pass but no he keeps going across so that if I had actually done what I was supposed to I would have to wait in the middle of the road for him to pass whith his casual pace. But I din't do the right thing I assumed he had brains and some respect that cars were bigger and faster than himself so it got to the point that when I realized he wasn't going to stop if I slammed on my brakes I wouldn't be able to stop in time. I had to swerve right and slightly cut him off but not hit him. He again raised his hands and cussed at me as if he wasn't at fault at all.

Self Destructive

Lately I have been reading like crazy and as a result my homework quality may have dropped slightly. I've noticed this trend before from the last couple years of highschool. When it starts getting towards the end of the year I just shut down and immerse myself in books. I start making two trips a week to the library nad finishing them in one to two days flat. Last year I would get out of class and go to the school library every other day durring the free reading time she gave us to finish Of Mice and Men (I was done with it the second day I got it so I didn't need the free reading time). But this year because of a horrible library fine from a book I returned that I know for sure I returned they just lost it I am avoiding the school library and all the librarians who are semi familiar or were with my face. I also am not as entertained by the school library as I am with the public ones relating directly to the fact that the lack an adult section where I now do all of my browsing. If you are still limiting yourself to the young adult section I strongly suggest you branch out and try the adult section there is much more variety and better writting quality. Of course I don't look down on the teen section I still love Sarah Dessen and embarrassingly enough the twilight saga but I'm just saying the adult section has alot more to offer. But back to my point I don't actually know why I suddenly start reading more towards summer, it's certainly not something I consciously do I just realize after a couple of weeks and a few late assignments later that I have been reading too much. By the time I realize that I have to start reading less and focus on other things it's too late I am already addicted o the larger dose of books and to cut down would be too painful. And some of you may say its not that bad because reading is good but I can assure you that I am learning nothing from my free reading books other than Professional athletes are extremely sexy and make great husbands(this I know is a lie!) and no one waits till marriage anymore. SO as you can see I am not becoming any smarter from my destructive habit but just fooling myself that and giving my self ridiculous outlandish ideas of romance that will never come true leaving me disappointed, bitter and alone. Even with all the negative side effects though I remain pathetically addicted.